Power Our Call of Being | 2024

I Invite You To Be A Powerful Partner Of Being.

Join us on our journey of fulfilling our Call of Being by raising consciousness, support and funds to power our shared purpose of elevating personal, societal and planetary Being in 2024 – 2025 and for years to come.

With loving gratitude,

Kain – founder of the being trust


I Am A Partner Of Being.

If your heart is yearning to do all you can to help strengthen the heart of our world and uplift our Communities, Humanity, Environment and Earth in this moment, you’re feeling The Call of Being.

Partners Of Being are collaborative, self-initiating kindred spirits “called to fulfill our Part” in our shared mission and journey of elevating being together with the energies we steward for the wellbeing of our world.

Help power and contribute to our shared Call Of Being with your collaborative energies, spiritual agency, meditative presence, wisdom of experience, creative inspirations, joy of connecting kindred lives, financial capacities and/or spirit of service.

Partners Of Being

March 2024 – 2025+ Goals

Partners Called To Fulfill Our
Mission Goals

We’re sounding the Call of Being for kindred spirits and our collaborative communities to consciously partner with our shared Story Of Being helping to bring fulfillment to the 5-fold Guiding Purpose of The Being Trust:

Realizing Our 5-Fold Purpose 2024-2025:

1 – Enlivening Being & beingness with the emerging heart of our commons of beings

2 – Pioneering Wholeness & citizenship with our universe of living energies

3 – Cultivating Love & kindredship with our emerging spiritual collaborative

4 – Growing Enlightenment & creatorship with our paths of conscious evolution

5 – Abundant Livingness & partnership co-founding our shared culture and world of wellbeing for every being

Partners Called To Fulfill Our
Circle Goals

Our Circles Of Being serve as magnetic centers of energy to partner with and support our collaborative journey, initiatives and activities in harmony with our daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and annual and macro cycles of being.

Cultivating Our Circles Of Being 2024 – 2025

Meditation | Circle Of Being
Cities | Circle Of Being
Energies | Circle Of Being
Wisdom | Circle Of Being
Money | Circle Of Being
Creative Circle | Circle Of Being
Healing Circle | Circle Of Being
Spirituality | Circle Of Being
Future | Circle Of Being
The Path | Circle Of Being
Stewards | Circle Of Being


Partners Called To Fulfill Our
Resource Goals

The Being Trust, our guiding energies, stewarding initiates and collaborative world works are intrinsically designed to be powered and funded by partnering kindred lives and endeavors that share in our purpose of elevating being together for the wellbeing of our world.

Growing Our Financial Resources 2024-2025:

Monthly Sustaining Funds Milestones:
Milestone 1: $40K USD
Milestone 2: $140 USD
Milestone 3: $400K USD

Our Reserve Funds Milestones:
Milestone 1: $4M USD
Milestone 2: 14M$ USD
Milestone 3: 40M$ USD

We are so very grateful to our loving community of friends, family, collaborators and funding partners who are moved to be fulfilling our part in healing the heart of our world and building the foundations and frontiers of being with our humanity and planetary commons into our bright future.


direct and invest your energies into powering our journey of elevating being together


Be A “Meditative Partner” By Joining In Our Weekly Friday Call Of Being Meditation And Meditating For The Community You Love

Join us in our weekly Call Of Being Meditation to enliven our personal, societal, planetary and universal journey of Being.


Be A “Wisdom Partner” By Studying And Bringing To Light Our Shared Journey Into The Meaning, Mysteries & Magic Of Being

Contribute to cultivating & illuminating the consciousness of our communities, humanity & planetary commons through studying & sharing the collaborative wisdom of our energetic universe of Being.


Be A “Stories Partner” By Crafting And Co-Creating Transformative Messages & Stories That Enliven Our Shared Journey Of Being 

Bring your love of language, symbols, words and stories into service to help inspire wonder, build spiritual collaboration and grow cultural literacy of our shared purpose and story of Being.


Be An “Artistic Partner” By Bridging The Evolutionary Forces Shaping Our Subjective & Objective States & Paths Of Being

Bring your perceptive and creative energies into collaborative service through artmaking with our shared story of evolving together through living energies as a commons of beings.


Be A “Research Partner” Exploring & Mapping The Collaborative Design and Workings Of Our Universe of Being 

Contribute to investigating, charting and advancing our common knowledge of the evolutionary energies, purpose, realities and designs of our humanity, earth and universe of Being.


Be A “Healing Partner” Facilitating Healing & Wellbeing With Our Interconnected Communities & Ecosystems Of Living Energy

Bring your presence and capacities of spiritual, esoteric, societal and energetic healing into collaborative service to help our humanity, kindred lives of nature and earth realize our fullest potential on our paths of Being.


Be A “Funding Partner” By Powering Our Monthly & Reserve Funding Goals

Financially strengthen and contribute to our shared purpose of “elevating being together” to help us attain and sustain our funding goals and power our collaborative energies and endeavors for the upliftment of our humanity, environment and earth.


Be A “Connecting Partner” By Sharing Our Call Of Being Invitation With Kindred Spirits

Invite friends and kindred spirits moved by enlivening and uplifting our Humanity, Environment and Earth to be a powerful Partner of our shared Call of Being into our bright future.

“I’m Inviting You To Be Part Of Powering Our Shared Call Of Being To Help Inspire, Heal & Uplift Our Communities, Humanity, Environment, Earth & Future Together”

Send this link to your friends inviting them to help support our shared purpose of elevating our personal, societal and planetary being together:



Be A “Gathering Partner” By Convening Call Of Being Meditations And Experiences With Friends, Communities And Endeavors

Convene transformative consciousness and funds raising gatherings with your spiritual, humanitarian and creative friends and community to strengthen and support our shared purpose of elevating personal, societal and planetary being together.


Be A “Progress Partner” By Sharing The State And Progress Of Your Subjects Of Interest To Help Power Our Way Forward

Help us keep the pulse of progress around the world and navigate our way forward by sharing your strategic insight, wisdom and updates on the state of your subjects of expertise, interest and exploration.

Being & The Way Of Partners Of Being

May we rise together in this moment of realizing and responding to the Call of our Being.

Kain | founding steward of the being trust


Thank you! Here are additional ways to contribute to elevating our journey of personal, societal and planetary being.

The Being Trust
is a collaborative community and organism of kindred beings dedicated to exploring, experiencing and elevating the living energies of our universe of Being together


Welcome, Being.

I'm Called To Being.

Path Of Being Guidance.

Join Our Meditation.

Circles Of Being.

2024 Partners.

Give To Contribute.

Our Missions.

About Being.

K's Calling.

Be In Touch.