Being | Initiates

The Art, Science & Way Of Initiates Of Being

initiating, partnering and co-creating with our commons of beings into the meaning, mysteries and magic of our universe of being

Are you at a phase in your life where you’re being called to navigate into the heart of the meaning, mysteries and magic of being?

Personal Initiates
Of Being

Evolve and expedition as a personal initiate of being into meaning, mysteries and magic of our collaborative commons of beings

Societal Initiates
Of Being

Evolve and expedition as a societal initiate of being into meaning, mysteries and magic of our collaborative commons of beings

Planetary Initiates
Of Being

Evolve and expedition as a world initiate of being into meaning, mysteries and magic of our collaborative commons of beings

Being & The Way Of Initiates

It is our divine inheritance that we come to realize we are on our way as initiates of being in collaborative partnership with our universal commons of beings

Kain | initiate and founding steward of the being trust


What’s Calling Your Being?

We’re Elevating Being Together
Through The Universal Way Of Initiates of Being