Circles of Being are emerging!

We’re on mission fulfilling our Call of Being together in companionship with our planetary Community of Being through cultivating vibrant, loving Circles of Being

Kain – guide of the being trust


A Guiding Principle Of Being

Circles of Being are evolving centers of living energy purposed to enliven, enrich and elevate us as we journey on our Paths of Being in conscious partnership with our Planetary Collaborative of Being.


Join Us In Circle! 

Be a circle partner realizing, bridging fulfilling our shared Call Of Being

Are you a meditative, energetic, spiritual or creative Being called to the path of realizing, cultivating and initiating into the heart of Being?

Circles of Being are forming around the Living Energies of shared calling of enlivening Being and our Commons of Beings.


We’re on a 5-Fold Path of Being together:

1 – Enlivening Beingfulness: illuminating, resolving and transforming the experience of beinglessness into our agency of beingfulness

2 – Pioneering Wholeness: strengthening and powering our personal, societal and planetary calls and missions of Being

3 – Cultivating Love: reawakening and nourishing our companionship and collaboration with our planetary community of Beings

4 – Growing Enlightenment: consciously co-creating on our paths and growing the emerging culture of Being into our future

5 – Abundancing Livingness: experiencing Being abundantly and fulfilling the Call of our Being in partnership with our Circles, our planetary Being and our Commons of Beings


We invite you to be in touch to connect with our

emerging Circles of Being.

“the purpose of a Circle is to enliven our living energies of Being together”

Meditative | Circle of Being

Be a Meditative Circle Partner cultivating being and meditative energies to help build the foundations and frontiers of our personal, societal and planetary Collaborative of Being.

Cities | Circle of Being

Be a City Circle Partner cultivating the living energies, consciousness and path of Being of the City you love.

Energies | Circle of Being

Be an Energies Circle Partner pioneering collaborative exploration, agency, studies and stewardship with our worlds of living energies and forces to enliven our Call, Collaborative and Path of Being together.

Wisdom | Circle of Being

Be a Wisdom Circle Partner discovering and sharing the wisdom of the meaning, mysteries and magic of our living universe of Being.

Creative | Circle of Being

Be a Creative Circle Partner cultivating our human and societal capacities as creators in partnership with the living beings and our communities of Nature, Earth and Universe.

Culture | Circle of Being

Be a Culture Circle Partner cultivating the emerging culture of Being in tune with and keeping the pulse of planetary and human consciousness and events conditioning our paths of evolution.

Healing | Circle of Being

Be a Healing Circle Partner contributing exploring and contributing to our mission of societal and planetary healing through the art and science energetic stewardship.

Spirituality | Circle of Being

Be a Spiritual Circle Partner bringing insight, research and experience to help illuminate and liberate the energies of spirituality for our evolving humanity and planetary community.

Money | Circle of Being

Be a Money Circle Partner cultivating, spiritualizing and outposting the living energies of money as collaborative forces tasked with fulfilling our humanity and planetary purpose, plan and path of Being.

Future | Circle of Being

Be a Future Circle Partner contributing to cultivating the consciousness of our emerging and future humanity and communities of Being.

The Path | Circle of Being

Be a Path Circle Partner consciously cultivating your Path of Being in partnership with companions and adept guidance on the Universal Path of Being.

Initiates | Circle of Being

Be Initiates Circle Partner initiating into planetary ashramic consciousness and collaboration in companionship with our more universal community of initiating lives.

Stewards | Circle of Being

Be a Stewards Circle Partner volunteering and dedicating your experience, wisdom, skills and capacities to power and forward the collaborative mission of The Being Trust for our world.

"We're each being called to (re)awaking to our Paths of Being in partnership with our Planetary Path of Being"

k – guide of the being trust

I invite you to join us in Circle to fulfill our Call of Being abundantly together.

The Being Trust
is a collaborative community and organism of kindred beings dedicated to exploring, experiencing and elevating the living energies of our universe of Being together


Welcome, Being.

I'm Called To Being.

Path Of Being Guidance.

Join Our Meditation.

Circles Of Being.

2024 Partners.

Give To Contribute.

Our Missions.

About Being.

K's Calling.

Be In Touch.