Missions & Initiatives Of Being

Explore our evolving ecosystem of collaborative missions and works dedicated to elevating Being together

Missions Of Being

Work Of The World Healers

Be a collaborative partner in bringing our Work Of The World Healers into service for healing, developing and fortifying the energetic bodies, heart and ecosystem of our Communities, Cities, Nations, Humanity, Nature and Living Earth.

Sounding The Call Of Being for World Healing to raise consciousness, support and funds for The Work of The World Healers

Our Work Of The World Healers is a core societal Initiative of Being that aims to bring understanding, healing, harmony and wholeness to the heart and path of evolution of our humanity, communities of nature and planet. The call we’re sounding is for kindred lives moved by fulfilling our shared purpose of regenerating and elevating our Communities, Cities, Humanity, Environment and Earth, to be a part of healing the heart of our world, 7 days at a time.

Ways to be a “Partner Of Being” for our Work Of World Healers:
Meditation Partner, Wisdom Partner, Outreach Partner, Gatherings Partner, Practitioner Partner, Stories Partner, Funding Partner, Kindredship Partner

Every day, week and month, we’re growing the collaboration and capacity to be fulfilling our Call Of Being For World Healing through:

  • World Healing practitioners active and supported 7 days a week across seven essential societal-scale dimensions of community and planetary healing, regeneration and evolution
  • Monthly Wisdom Of Being conversations cultivating and illuminating our interconnected individual and collective atmospheres of consciousness for world well-being
  • Ongoing energetic assessments and mapping of state of world conditions, challenges, opportunities and transformations
  • Facilitating connecting and gathering in dialogue with potential and dedicated Partners of Being on the vision and work of world healing
  • Energy guided travels into sacred places, cities and regions stewarding the energetic ecosystem for world healing on-the-ground
  • Funding partnerships cultivating wholesome flows of money and healthful financial instruments for the work of world healers
  • Weekly Call Of Being Meditations of kindred spirits called to be enlivening our journey of personal, societal and planetary fulfillment in partnership with our Commons of Beings

Path Of Being Guidance

When we set out on a great adventure its wise to call upon experienced guides to partner with us on our way. The Path Guidance offers you depth of wisdom, frameworks and energies to enliven your unique path of being.

Call Of Being Meditation

We’re each on a journey of fulfilling the call of our being in partnership with our universal commons of beings. Join together in our meditative journey of realizing, nourishing and fulfilling our interconnected personal, societal and planetary call of being.

Circles Of Being

Gather virtually and in-person to enliven the heart of who we are, share wisdom and dialogue with kindred spirits on the meaning, mysteries and magic of our journey of being.

Navigating Transitions

Wherever you, the community you’re part of or your societal endeavor are on the path of evolving together, Navigating Transitions can help illuminate, map and energize your way of being ahead.

Spiritual Companionship

The spiritual path is intimate, dynamic and full of transformational experiences, challenges and fulfillments. Our Spiritual Companionship offers a personalized, collaborative approach to enlivening you on your spiritual journey.

Energetic Regeneration & Healing

Experience the art and science of living energies to heal, regenerate and fuel your personal path of being for physical, emotional, mental, personal and spiritual wellbeing.

Meditation Mentoring

Our universe is made by meditation. We’re on the way to waking up to the fuller meaning, nature and role of meditation in co-founding and building the kind of world we vision and dream to live in. Be a world meditation practitioner in partnership with our planetary collaborative of beings.

Universal Wisdom Studies

Our Earth is a living being on its path of evolution in cooperation and partnership with its collaborative communities of nature and the greater evolving lives of our Sun and living universe. Bring illumination to your path and our world through customized universal wisdom studies.

Energetics For Cities, Nations, Humanity & Earth

Energy and being energized is emerging everywhere in our public discourse and how we’re endeavoring to describe our human experience of becoming, transforming and evolving. Energetics is pioneering studies and stewardship of our story of human experience and evolution through the energetic ecosystem of energies and forces shaping our world.

Ecology Of Being

Cultivating and awakening humanity to our interconnected personal, societal, planetary and universal ecology of being through collaborative exploration, research, frameworks and teachings.

Planetary Festivals Of Being

As our Humanity awakens more fully to the Worlds of Energy and meditative Beings embodying our Earth, Sun and Cosmic Community, we’ll gather to meditate with the collaborative energies of our Planetary Festivals Of Being. Every season, month, and week we have the opportunity to consciously meditate in rapport with orchestrating energies and forces shaping the wellbeing and future of our Humanity, Nations and Earth.

Energy Artists Initiative

We’re entering into a new era of creative agency, collaboration, living and Being through the inner and outer energies and forces guiding and shaping our lives. Energy Artists is developing and empowering the next generations of energy artists of all natures, interests and ages as co-creators of our future in cooperation with the magic of our world of living energies.

Vibrations Of Consciousness

Our consciousness is composed of substantial vibrations produced through the interplay of an initiating energy in cooperation with its instrument and environments of expression. The extraordinary beauty, diversity and functions of our human consciousness are fundamentally musical in composition, origin and nature. Vibrations is a revelatory exploration and study into the vibratory nature, science and experience of our evolving consciousness through the medium of perception, sound, art, stories and meditation.


Energies Of Spirituality

As sentient beings, we realize we’re inhabiting a world that’s flourishing with diverse forms of life, consciousness and energy. Realizing who we are, why we are here, what we are part of and where we are headed as spiritual energies is a vital and exciting next frontier and chapter of our journey of being and the emerging science of spirituality. Forces of Spirituality is a future-forward research initiative building and sharing knowledge of the origins, development and future of our evolving spirituality and understanding of the spiritual energies that constitute and impact our personal, societal and global wellbeing.

Choosing Good Energy

Choosing Good Energy is a meditative initiative helping to build a whole, loving and creative world through strengthening our powers to choose individual and collective wellbeing, stewarding fit atmospheres for wholesome choice-making and and outposting vibrations that nourish our individual, societal and global journey of Being rooted in self-initiating universal values

The Way Of Initiates Training

There are so many centers of identification we cultivate in our lives and our journeys. When we awaken to the heart of our being, we orient to identifying on our way as world initiates of Being in partnership with our planetary Being. Way of Initiates is designed for lives called to partner on the journey of planetary initiation, collaboration and service. 

Research For The Path Of Being Of Humanity, Earth and Sol

One of the most valuable fields of research we can invest our energies, capacities and resources into is our evolutionary path of being. Be part of researching, curating reference libraries and creating fields guides for the path of Humanity, Earth and our Universe of Being.

World Of Energies Exploration & Stewardship

One of the greatest discoveries of our time will be the existence and livingness of our interdimensional world of energies. World of Energies Exploration is pioneering discovery, mapping, perceiving and stewarding of this extraordinary universe of energies to guide our planetary path of evolution for generations to come.

The Spiritual Collaborative

As we awaken to our spiritual being and commons of spiritual beings, we come to recognize our collaborative purpose, part and responsibility in contributing to the spiritual collaborative of our Earth. Spiritual Collaborators are deeply inspired, self-initiating spiritual agents sharing the abundance of our wisdom, capacities and resources to fulfill the potential and purpose of our Humanity and the Being of Earth.

Custom Initiatives For Being

The emergence of our being in this world cycle of fulfilment calls for visionary, collaborative, service and dynamic action in harmony and response to world events, challenges, goals and initiations. Custom Initiatives partners with our community to perceive, design, resource and steward transformative initiatives and solutions for our journey of being.

Partners Of Being

Be a Partner of Being with the living energies, consciousness and resources that you’re a steward of to power our shared calling of elevating being together for the wellbeing of our communities, humanity and planet. 

"what are you being called to fulfill on your path of being in this transformative cycle in our human and planetary story?"

kain – founder of the being trust

The Being Trust
is a collaborative community and organism of kindred beings dedicated to exploring, experiencing and elevating the living energies of our universe of Being together


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I'm Called To Being.

Path Of Being Guidance.

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Circles Of Being.

2024 Partners.

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Our Missions.

About Being.

K's Calling.

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