About K & The Call of Being

The heart of my incarnational calling and purpose is enlivening being together

in harmony with the collaborative journey of our commons of beings

through the magic of our universe of living energies.

explorer | guide | philosopher | teacher | artist | adventurer | healer | meditative | friend | initiate

founder of the being trust and the way of being

Our Hearts are calling for us to walk our way of being in spiritual collaboration with our commons of living beings.

a being on the way…

as I reflected in morning meditation, nourished by the substance of one of our planetary festivals of being that center on circulating the living energies of love, these words flowed in on the gratitude…

Universal sounds sing forth
Lifted upon natures winds
Rising with the morning sun

Hearts in play filled service
Warmed by radiant friends
Circulating loves mysterious glow

Resonating being with being
Spiritual collaboration humming
Honoring our eternal commons of beings

my heartfelt wishes for your way of being to be abundantly nourishing

kain – a being on the way

The Being Trust
is a collaborative community and organism of kindred beings dedicated to exploring, experiencing and elevating the living energies of our universe of Being together


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